Advance Copywriting Course Institute Lahore Pakistan
Lengthiest Copywriting Course Outline in Pakistan
Get yourself enrolled in the advance Copywriting Training Institute in Lahore
- Who can Join the Copywriting Class
- What is Copy and Copywriting?
- Content vs Copywriting Writing
- Who needs a Copywriting?
- 5 Questions to Ensure Great Copy
- Different Types of Copy
- Direct Response
- Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
- Business-to-Business (B2B)
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Copywriting
- Ad Copywriting
- Creative Copywriting
- Digital Copywriting
- Marketing Copywriting
- SEO Copywriting
- Technical Writing
- Copywriting Research Process
- Schwartz's 5 Levels of Customer Awareness
- 9 Copywriting Frameworks and Formulas
- PAS: Problem-Agitate-Solution
- AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action
- ACCA: Awareness-Comprehension-Conviction-Action
- BAB: Before-After-Bridge
- FAB: Features-Advantages-Benefits
- 4 Cās: Clear, Concise, Credible, Compelling
- AIDPPC: Attention-Interest-Description-Persuasion-Proof-Close
- So What?! Formula
- Why/Try/Buy Formula
- Types of Audience
- Understanding the Audience
- Buyer Persona
- Buyer Persona and Copywriting
- Creating Buyer Persona
- Personalization in Copywriting
- Copywriting vs UX writing
- Headlines vs Taglines
- Importance of writing catchy headlines
- 9 Powerful SEO Headline Template
- ChatGPT Copywriting Prompts
- Difference between features and benefits
- Convert Features into Benefits
- Grammar rules that you can break in copies
- Top copywriting tools
- Power words in Copywriting
- Using emojis in Copywriting
- Editing & Proofreading
- Difference between editing and proofreading
- Importance of editing and proofreading
- Proofread Techniques
- Best editing and proofreading tools
- What is Plagiarism?
- Types of Plagiarism
- Plagiarism Checker Tools
- Writing Ad Copies
- Facebook / Instagram Ads Copy
- Ideas from Facebook Ads Library
- Copies for Facebook and Social Media Ads
- Copies for Google Ads
- Tools for Creating Google Ads
- Introduction to Landing Pages
- Landing page vs Web page
- Key elements of a web page and landing page
- Creating FOMO, Urgency, Scarcity
- Writing Emails
- Types of email
- 7 Boring Email Cliches
- Hedging Language Undermines Your Writing
- Writing Email Copywriting That Sells
- Writing Crispy Email Subject Lines
- Sales letter
- Types of sales letter
- Objectives and Advantages of Sales Letter
- How to Write a Sales Letter
- PR Copywriting
- Copywriting as Career
- Freelancing
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